Subject: kern/35053: Connecting firewire disk to -current kernel panics
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/14/2006 14:55:00
>Number:         35053
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       Connecting firewire disk to -current kernel panics
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Nov 14 14:55:00 +0000 2006
>Originator:     Henry Bent
>Release:        4.99.3
Oberlin College CIT
NetBSD hbent3 4.99.3 NetBSD 4.99.3 (E4500) #0: Tue Nov 14 09:21:58 EST 2006  root@hbent3:/usr/obj/src-current/sys/arch/i386/compile/E4500 i386
Connecting a 60GB SmartDisk FireLite external firewire drive, model FWFL60-N, kernel panics the machine.  The disk works correctly on Windows and OS X.  I copied this by hand, so forgive any typos:

fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0x8800ffc0, gen=2, non CYCLEMASTER mode
ieee1394if0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1
fwohci0: too many cycle lost, no cycle master presents?
fwohci0: txd err= 3 miss Ack err
ieee1394if0: bus manager election failed
fwohci0: txd err= 3 miss Ack err
fwohci0: txd err= 3 miss Ack err
fwohci0: txd err= 3 miss Ack err
fwohci0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0x8800ffc0, gen=3, non CYCLEMASTER mode
ieee1394if0: 2 nodes, maxhop <= 1, cable IRM = 1
fwohci0: too many cycle lost, no cycle master presents?
ieee1394if0: New S400 device ID:00d0010d00008af8
sbp0 at ieee1394if0: SBP-2/SCSI over IEEE1394
scsibus1 at sbp0: 1 target, 0 luns per target
ieee1394if0: split transaction timeout dst=0xffc1 tl=0x5 state=3
ieee1394if0: bus manager election failed
sd0 at scsibus1 target 0 lun 0: <SmartDsk, FireLite, 0470> disk fixed
uvm_fault(0xc04ec400, 0xcd513000, 1) -> 0xe
kernel: supervisor trap page fault, code=0
Stopped in pid 108.1 (spb0_attach) at  netbsd:sd_get_parms_page4+0x88: movzbl0 (%ebx),%eax
db{0}> bt
sd_get_parms_page4(0,cd512a64,cd512a5c,4,c2cfeaec) at netbsd:sd_get_parms_page4+0x88
sd_get_parms(10,x2xfea1c,c2cfea3c,3051,0) at netbsd:sd_get_parms+0x1d8
sdattach(c2c3b800,c2cfea00,cd512bf4,0,c04c8008) at netbsd:sdattach+0xef
config_attach_loc(c2c3b800,c04c7f78,cd512c14,cd512bf4,c0325538) at netbsd:config_attach_loc+0x2d7
scsi_probe_bus(c2c3b800,0,0,ccfec7c,c2cfed1c) at netbsd:scsi_probe_bus+0x41d
sbp_scsipi_scan_target(c2cfed1c,0,c01002d2,fbff,c01002d2) at netbsd:sbp_scsipi_scan_target+0xbd
Connect an external FireLite disk.  Unknown if other external firewire disks trigger the problem.