Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
To: None <,,>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/25/2006 16:05:09
The following reply was made to PR kern/32682; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: (Christos Zoulas)
To: Hauke Fath <>
Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:00:51 -0400

 On Jul 25,  2:26pm, (Hauke Fath) wrote:
 -- Subject: Re: kern/32682: netbsd-3 ptyfs intermittent failure with Matlab
 | Am 17.07.2006 um 10:58 Uhr -0400 schrieb Christos Zoulas:
 | >| But I still see matlab failing to open a /dev/pts/? every now and
 | >| then, although the /dev/ptmx && /dev/pts/? way should be the only way
 | >| to get a pty on the machine now, so no concurrent access, right?|
 | Yet another data point: When another user logs in, with or without 
 | running Matlab, this frequently "fixes" the pty problem for the first 
 | user.
 | >I have a theory. The pty returned by ptmx is not being marked as in
 | >use immediately, so it can be potentially returned twice to two different
 | >processes. I will check.
 | Did you get any further with that theory?
 No, I have not and I am swamped between work and moving to a new apartment
 (I have no working internet or computers where I've moved yet).
 I will be more available in a couple of weeks, sorry.