Subject: Re: bin/30174
To: None <,,>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/09/2005 22:26:01
The following reply was made to PR bin/30174; it has been noted by GNATS.
Subject: Re: bin/30174
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 00:25:05 +0200 (MEST)
> You are doing this as root? Does the connection work, (i.e. only
> the output from pppoectl is wrong) or does it not work (i.e. the setting
> itself does not work)?
Yes, as root. The connection does not work. I get "pap failure"s.
> Is your pppoectl binary a 2.0.2 one or a 3.0_BETA one (both should work,
> just trying to understand the differences between your environment and
The world is a fresh " distribution" from netbsd-3 sources checked
out yesterday and stripped of some unnecessary stuff (man pages, games,
etc.). All relevant settings (/etc/rc.conf, /etc/rc.conf.d/*, ...) exist in
a separate tree which I rsync on top of that world. The whole thing is then
transferred onto a compact flash card and booted. Same procedure as with
2.0.2_STABLE, just the netbsd-2-0 sources replaced with netbsd-3. There are
no 2.0.2_STABLE bits left, since I create each image from scratch and from
freshly checked out (from a local CVS rep) sources.
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