Subject: Re: kern/22002: panic: double tcp_freeq() may happen - TAILQ_*
To: None <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/28/2003 01:01:34
> > However, contrary to what tcp_freeq()
> > expect, it appears that the segq and timeq queues are of different
> > length:
> Depending on where the pool_do_put + 0x35e is, the page which this tp
> was allocated from may be allready back to system and reuse for
> another use.

Hm, yes.  pool_do_put+0x35e is pretty near the end, at:

(gdb) list *pool_do_put+0x35e
0xc016c00a is in pool_do_put (/sys/arch/i386/compile/BLACKHOLE/../../../../kern/subr_pool.c:991).
986              * the list, and make it the current page.  The next allocation
987              * will get the item from this page, instead of further fragmenting
988              * the pool.
989              */
990             else if (ph->ph_nmissing == (pp->pr_itemsperpage - 1)) {
991                     TAILQ_REMOVE(&pp->pr_pagelist, ph, ph_pagelist);
992                     TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->pr_pagelist, ph, ph_pagelist);
993                     pp->pr_curpage = ph;
994             }
995     }
(gdb) i line subr_pool.c:991
Line 991 of "/sys/arch/i386/compile/BLACKHOLE/../../../../kern/subr_pool.c"
   starts at address 0xc016c008 <pool_do_put+860>
   and ends at 0xc016c067 <pool_do_put+955>.
(gdb) p 0x35e
$5 = 862

> Is the rest of *tp looks valid?

I think it doesn't look like garbage, anyway:

(gdb) up 10
#10 0xc01bf150 in tcp_freeq (tp=0xc089f164)
    at /sys/arch/i386/compile/BLACKHOLE/../../../../netinet/tcp_subr.c:1181
1181                    TAILQ_REMOVE(&tp->segq, qe, ipqe_q);
(gdb) p tp
$1 = (struct tcpcb *) 0xc089f164
(gdb) p *$
$2 = {t_family = 0, segq = {tqh_first = 0xc0867b04, tqh_last = 0xc089f168}, 
  t_timer = {{c_link = {tqe_next = 0x1, tqe_prev = 0x1}, c_time = 853258484, 
      c_arg = 0xc089f164, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0}, {c_link = {tqe_next = 0x0, 
        tqe_prev = 0x0}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0}, {
      c_link = {tqe_next = 0x1, tqe_prev = 0x1}, c_time = 853978385, 
      c_arg = 0xc089f164, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0}, {c_link = {tqe_next = 0x0, 
        tqe_prev = 0x0}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0}}, 
  t_state = 8, t_rxtshift = 0, t_rxtcur = 2, t_dupacks = 0, t_peermss = 1460, 
  t_ourmss = 1460, t_segsz = 512, t_force = 0 '\000', t_flags = 16384, 
  t_template = 0x0, t_inpcb = 0xc0b796c8, t_in6pcb = 0x0, t_delack_ch = {
    c_link = {tqe_next = 0x1, tqe_prev = 0x1}, c_time = 853258404, 
    c_arg = 0xc089f164, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0}, snd_una = 2911700198, 
  snd_nxt = 2911700198, snd_up = 2911700197, snd_wl1 = 414097017, 
  snd_wl2 = 2911700197, iss = 2911700161, snd_wnd = 17485, 
  snd_recover = 2911700198, rcv_wnd = 17520, rcv_nxt = 414097018, 
  rcv_up = 414097017, irs = 414096871, rcv_adv = 414114538, 
  snd_max = 2911700198, snd_cwnd = 2048, snd_ssthresh = 376539136, 
  t_rcvtime = 17065168, t_rtttime = 0, t_rtseq = 2911700197, t_srtt = 0, 
  t_rttvar = 0, t_rttmin = 2, max_sndwnd = 17520, t_oobflags = 0 '\000', 
  t_iobc = 0 '\000', t_softerror = 0, snd_scale = 0 '\000', 
  rcv_scale = 0 '\000', request_r_scale = 0 '\000', 
  requested_s_scale = 0 '\000', ts_recent = 0, ts_recent_age = 0, 
  ts_timebase = 17065168, last_ack_sent = 414097018, timeq = {tqh_first = 0x0, 
    tqh_last = 0xc089f294}, t_sc = {lh_first = 0x0}}

> > (gdb) up 10
> > #10 0xc01bf150 in tcp_freeq (tp=0xc089f164)
> >     at /sys/arch/i386/compile/BLACKHOLE/../../../../netinet/tcp_subr.c:1181
> > 1181                    TAILQ_REMOVE(&tp->segq, qe, ipqe_q);
> > (gdb) p tp
> > $1 = (struct tcpcb *) 0xc089f164
> > (gdb) p tp->segq
> > $2 = {tqh_first = 0xc0867b04, tqh_last = 0xc089f168}
> tp->segq is already inconsitient, since tqh_last points
> &tp->segq.tqh_first and this means this tailq is empty but tqh_first
> disagrees.


> > (gdb) p tp->timeq
> > $6 = {tqh_first = 0x0, tqh_last = 0xc089f294}
> This tqh_last should be &tp->timeq.tqh_first, but is it so?  For usual
> sizeof(struct tcpcb), the value is beyond the struct.

No, I don't quite think so -- I think this one is consistent, but I
included too little information to show that:

(gdb) p tp->timeq
$3 = {tqh_first = 0x0, tqh_last = 0xc089f294}
(gdb) p &$.tqh_first
$4 = (struct ipqent **) 0xc089f294

which seems quite normal for a tailq.

> > > >Fix:
> > > 	Explicitly mark queues as empty when they have been released
> > > 	in tcp_freeq()?
> Mark inp_ppcb NULL a bit earlier so that tcp_drain won't pick up this?

Yah, that sounds like a reasonable plan.  I guess the problem is that
the storage is released before all possible references to the storage
are gone.


- Havard