Subject: kern/21043: uplcom output not working
To: None <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/06/2003 20:44:51
>Number: 21043
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: uplcom output not working
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: high
>Responsible: kern-bug-people
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun Apr 06 11:45:01 PDT 2003
>Originator: Martin Husemann
>Release: NetBSD 1.6Q
System: NetBSD 1.6Q NetBSD 1.6Q (PORTER) #0: Sun Apr 6 19:20:59 MEST 2003 i386
Architecture: i386
Machine: i386
I bought a uplcom serial dongle since I've run out of serial console conectors.
It dose work fine for input and it is able to send a break. But it does not
output anything. Could out=0x2 be the wrong endpoint in my case?
I enabled uplcom and ucom debuging messages, and the result looks pretty much
fine to me. Here is the part of the dmesg relevant to the problem:
uhub1 at uhub0 port 1
uhub1: vendor 0x0451 product 0x1446, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2
uhub1: 4 ports with 4 removable, bus powered
uplcom0 at uhub1 port 1
uplcom0: vendor 0x067b product 0x2303, rev 1.10/2.02, addr 3
uplcom attach: sc=0xc0917080
uplcom: in=0x83 out=0x2 intr=0x81
ucom0 at uplcom0
ucom_attach: tty_attach 0xd2fab738
uplcom1 at uhub1 port 2
uplcom1: vendor 0x067b product 0x2303, rev 1.10/2.02, addr 4
uplcom attach: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom: in=0x83 out=0x2 intr=0x81
ucom1 at uplcom1
ucom_attach: tty_attach 0xd2fab840
ucomopen: unit=0, tp=0xd2fab738
uplcom_open: sc=0xc0917080
uplcom_param: sc=0xc0917080
uplcom_set_line_coding: rate=9600 fmt=0 parity=0 bits=8
ucomparam: l_modem
ucom_dtr: onoff=1
uplcom_dtr: onoff=1
ucomopen: open pipes in=131 out=2
ucomstartread: start
ucomioctl: cmd=0x8004745c
ucomioctl: our cmd=0x8004745c
ucomclose: unit=0
ucomstop: flag=3
ucomstop: flag=3
ucom_cleanup: closing pipes
ucom_dtr: onoff=0
uplcom_dtr: onoff=0
ucomreadcb: status=6
ucomreadcb: dying
ucomstart: 2 chars
ucomwritecb: status=6
uplcom_close: close
ucomopen: unit=1, tp=0xd2fab840
uplcom_open: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_param: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_set_line_coding: rate=9600 fmt=0 parity=0 bits=8
uplcom1: uplcom status = 03
ucomparam: l_modem
ucom_dtr: onoff=1
uplcom_dtr: onoff=1
ucomopen: open pipes in=131 out=2
ucomstartread: start
ucomioctl: cmd=0x8004745c
ucomioctl: our cmd=0x8004745c
ucomclose: unit=1
ucomstop: flag=3
ucomstop: flag=3
ucom_cleanup: closing pipes
ucom_dtr: onoff=0
uplcom_dtr: onoff=0
ucomreadcb: status=6
ucomreadcb: dying
ucomstart: 2 chars
ucomwritecb: status=6
uplcom_close: close
ucomopen: unit=1, tp=0xd2fab840
uplcom_open: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_param: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_set_line_coding: rate=9600 fmt=0 parity=0 bits=8
uplcom_set_line_coding: already set
ucomparam: l_modem
ucom_dtr: onoff=1
uplcom_dtr: onoff=1
ucomopen: open pipes in=131 out=2
ucomstartread: start
ucomioctl: cmd=0x402c7413
ucomioctl: cmd=0x80047410
ucomioctl: cmd=0x802c7414
ucomioctl: cmd=0x20007461
ucomioctl: cmd=0x802c7414
uplcom_param: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_set_line_coding: rate=9600 fmt=0 parity=0 bits=8
uplcom_set_line_coding: already set
uplcom_set_crtscts: on
ucomreadcb: status=0
ucomreadcb: got 20 chars, tp=0xd2fab840
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: 2 chars
ucomreadcb: char=0x0a
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0a
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x20
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x20
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0a
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0a
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x20
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x0d
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x3e
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomreadcb: char=0x20
ucomstart: no go, state=0x4c
ucomstartread: start
ucomwritecb: status=0
ucomwritecb: cc=2
ucomparam: l_modem
ucomioctl: cmd=0x802c7415
ucomioctl: cmd=0x8004667e
ucomstart: 1 chars
ucomwritecb: status=0
ucomwritecb: cc=1
ucomstart: 1 chars
ucomwritecb: status=0
ucomwritecb: cc=1
ucomstart: 1 chars
ucomwritecb: status=0
ucomwritecb: cc=1
ucomioctl: cmd=0x802c7415
uplcom_param: sc=0xc0936e00
uplcom_set_line_coding: rate=9600 fmt=0 parity=0 bits=8
uplcom_set_line_coding: already set
ucomparam: l_modem
ucomioctl: cmd=0x20007471
ucomioctl: our cmd=0x20007471
ucomclose: unit=1
ucomstop: flag=3
ucom_cleanup: closing pipes
ucom_dtr: onoff=0
uplcom_dtr: onoff=0
ucomreadcb: status=6
ucomreadcb: dying
ucomstart: 2 chars
ucomwritecb: status=6
uplcom_close: close
Just try to use cu(1) with ttyU0.
no idea, any hint for further debuging apreciated.