Subject: install/19036: MBR/disklabel discrepance in sysinst
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/13/2002 13:38:23
>Number: 19036
>Category: install
>Synopsis: in some cases partition sizes in sysinst may differ
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: install-manager
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Nov 13 04:40:00 PST 2002
>Originator: Martin Cernohorsky
>Release: NetBSD 1.6
System: NetBSD/i386 1.6
When reinstalling NetBSD on a disk with previously existing
NetBSD installation using sysinst, disklabel partition table
is taken from disk (or maybe from in-core disklabel) rather
than from the form describing MBR partition table. If user choses
to change the size of NetBSD partition of the disk, sysinst
will work with the old sizes (and does not allow to change them
in the disklabel partition menu), which results in inability
to install NetBSD because some NetBSD partitions may lie
outside the NetBSD part of the disk. This behaviour was
discovered on the i386 port. I don't know if it applies to
other platforms using sysinst (I have no acces to any).
Install NetBSD with other OS on the disk. Then, using sysinst,
make a new installation, where the other OS uses greater part
of the disk, and NetBSD smaller. In the disklabel partitioning
menu will show the NetBSD partition size and offset taken from
the previous install. During an attempt to label the disk will
sysinst fail.
This problem will not arise when installing on fresh disk
without NetBSD partition, or when the size of NetBSD partition
is not changed.
When the size of NetBSD part of the disk in MBR disklabel
is changed, take this into account when calculating the sizes
of c partition in disklabel part. menu, and then recalculate
the default values for other partition sizes.