Subject: pkg/13017: devel/libgetopt does not build under Solaris 8
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 05/23/2001 11:10:02
>Number:         13017
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       devel/libgetopt package does not build under Solaris 8
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 23 11:09:00 PDT 2001
>Originator:     Jeff Rizzo
>Release:        pkgsrc as of 20010523
Jeff Rizzo                               
System: SunOS butthead 5.8 Generic_108528-03 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2
Architecture: sun4u
Machine: sparc
	Building the libgetopt package under solaris fails as follows:

# bmake
=> Checksum OK for getopt_long.c-1.3.
=> Checksum OK for getopt_long.3-1.3.
===> Extracting for libgetopt-1.3
/usr/bin/cp /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/files/getopt.h /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt
/usr/bin/cp /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/files/namespace.h /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt
/usr/bin/cp /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/files/shlib_version /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt
/usr/bin/cp /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/files/Makefile.libgetopt /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt/Makefile
/usr/bin/mv /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt/getopt_long.c-1.3 /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt/getopt_long.c
/usr/bin/mv /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt/getopt_long.3-1.3 /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libgetopt/work/libgetopt/getopt_long.3
===> Patching for libgetopt-1.3
===> Configuring for libgetopt-1.3
===> Building for libgetopt-1.3
lint -chapbxzF  -i getopt_long.c
lint: not found
*** Error code 1


Looking into it, it seems that CPPFLAGS is not being set appropriately...
I couldn't figure out why, because it all looked OK to me.

	Attempt to build libgetopt on a Solaris 8 system.  I have no idea
whether it's a problem under any other solaris verion.

	Unknown at this time.