Subject: pkg/12700: libtool-info post-extract FAILS
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/19/2001 05:24:19
>Number:         12700
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       libtool-info post-extract FAILS
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Apr 19 03:37:00 PDT 2001
>Originator:     Richard Rauch
>Release:        1.5 proper; freshly supped pkgsrc
  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."
NetBSD rkr1 1.5 NetBSD 1.5 (rkrGENERIC) #5: Fri Feb 16 18:42:00 CST 2001     root@rkr1:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/rkrGENERIC i386

	While building an application that depended upon some GNOME stuff,
	I was informed of a ``missing'' header, libintl.h.  Rather than try
	to sort out why it wasn't finding /usr/pkg/include/libintl.h, I
	just updated the gnome-libs.

	Part of that involved updating libtool and libtool-info.

	libtool-info failed with the following error:

cp: /usr/pkgsrc/devel/libtool-info/files/fdl.texi: No such file or directory

	...caused by the removal of libtool/files.  As far as I can tell,
	when the files/ directory was removed, the fdl.texi file was simply
	discarded.  Since the corresponding Makefile stuff wasn't also
	discarded, I assume that this was an error.

	Update your pkgsrc, including removal of libtool-info/files/
	Try to update libtool-info via ``make update''.

	I simply deleted the post-extract: target in the libtool-info
	Makefile.  It now builds happily, though (according to the comment)
	it results in a buggy installed file.

	Again, since the files/fdl.texi file was deleted, but the Makefile
	wasn't changed, I assume that completely discarding fdl.texi was
	a MISTAKE.  To fix it, then, one needs to recover the original
	fdl.texi file.  Exactly where it best belongs, if the files/ dir
	is gone, isn't clear.  If the files/ dir isn't recreated for it,
	then the Makefile needs to know the new location of the file.