Subject: kern/11038: [dM] ddb.onpanic=0 but still land in ddb
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/18/2000 10:53:28
>Number:         11038
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       [dM] ddb.onpanic=0 but still drops into ddb
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    kern-bug-people
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Sep 18 10:59:00 PDT 2000
>Originator:     der Mouse
>Release:        1.4T (see below for exact file versions)
	Any; observed primarily on SPARCs (IPX, SS2, etc)
	Setting ddb.onpanic to 0 is not enough to ensure that the
	machine doesn't drop into ddb on certain errors.  Various
	pieces of code call Debugger() directly, without checking
	db_onpanic, #ifdef DDB.

	Finding all such places is fairly easy:
	% cd /sys
	% find . -type f -name '*.[ch]' -print | xargs egrep -l Debugger

	Filtering out false positives is tedious.  An eyeball search,
	with all the error potential that implies, gives the following
	list of files, versions, and approximate line numbers.  I have
	omitted cases where the Debugger() call is conditional on
	something like a run-time subsystem-specific debugging bit that
	would not normally be turned on (even in a DEBUG and DIAGNOSTIC
	kernel), and calls conditional on things like boothowto&RB_KDB
	that are *supposed* to call Debugger regardless.  When
	uncertain, I've tried to err on the side of false positives.

	File				Ver	Line(s)
	arch/amiga/amiga/trap.c		1.72	361
	arch/amiga/dev/flsc.c		1.25	354
	arch/amiga/dev/if_es.c		1.24	590
	arch/amiga/dev/sbic.c		1.38	405, 559, 663, 744,
						1305, 1544, 1712, 1944,
	arch/amiga/dev/siop2.c		1.14	364, 980, 1180, 1219,
						1330, 1458, 1533
	arch/amiga/dev/siop.c		1.43	378, 915, 1101, 1210,
						1332, 1405
	arch/i386/isa/fd.c		1.131	1125
	arch/mac68k/mac68k/machdep.c	1.243	963, 984
	arch/mac68k/mac68k/macrom.c	1.44	376
	arch/sparc/dev/fd.c		1.77	1519
	arch/sparc/dev/si.c		1.54	547, 974
	arch/sparc/sparc/trap.c		1.88	411
	arch/sun3/dev/si.c		1.46	224, 272, 329
	arch/sun3/dev/si_obio.c		1.21	340
	arch/sun3/dev/fd.c		1.15	1239
	arch/alpha/isa/fd.c		1.8	1082
	arch/atari/dev/hdfd.c		1.19	1026
	arch/mvme68k/dev/sbic.c		1.11	396, 564, 687, 751,
						1462, 1612, 1785, 2538
	arch/mvme68k/dev/siop.c		1.3	378, 914, 1039, 1078,
						1187, 1309, 1382
	arch/arm32/arm32/ast.c		1.16	83, 137
	arch/arm32/arm32/undefined.c	1.16	223
	arch/arm32/mainbus/fd.c		1.27	1076
	arch/arm32/podulebus/asc.c	1.26	260, 377, 469
	arch/arm32/podulebus/sbic.c	1.14	415, 570, 703, 786,
						1392, 1637, 1808, 2050,
	arch/mips/mips/vm_machdep.c	1.47	409
	arch/x68k/x68k/machdep.c	1.76	916
	arch/x68k/dev/fd.c		1.30	1204, 1277
	arch/x68k/dev/mha.c		1.18	224
	arch/powerpc/powerpc/trap.c	1.23	301
	arch/bebox/isa/fd.c		1.11	1137
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/trap.c	1.35	504, 669, 1002, 1010,
						1222, 1230, 1472, 1480,
						1606, 1614, 1801, 1885,
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/svr4_machdep.c 1.10 140, 236, 529
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/sunos_machdep.c 1.8 246
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/pmap.c	1.47	1200, 1560, 1830, 1964,
						2073, 2081, 2240, 2480,
						2502, 2522, 2541, 2551,
						2576, 2596, 2621, 2643,
						2653, 2671, 2683, 2727,
						2739, 2810, 2842, 2869,
						2883, 2894, 2930, 2955,
						2978, 2991, 3010, 3145,
						3152, 3332, 3390, 3398,
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/openfirm.c	1.8	505
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/machdep.c	1.56	635, 651, 669, 1096
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/compat_13_machdep.c 1.6 84, 101, 120
	arch/sparc64/sparc64/netbsd32_machdep.c 1.5 279, 295, 311, 374,
						390, 408
	arch/sparc64/fpu/fpu.c		1.3	171
	arch/sparc64/dev/zs.c		1.13	175
	arch/sparc64/dev/sbus.c		1.23	795, 819
	arch/sparc64/dev/ebus_bus.c	1.4	545, 616
	arch/sparc64/dev/fd.c		1.11	1253
	arch/sparc64/dev/iommu.c	1.3	352
	arch/sparc64/dev/psycho_bus.c	1.5	647, 715
	arch/arc/dti/btl.c		1.2	858
	arch/arc/dev/fd.c		1.16	921
	dev/eisa/ahb.c			1.28	314, 351, 625
	dev/eisa/uha_eisa.c		1.14	253
	dev/isa/uha_isa.c		1.18	294
	dev/ic/aha.c			1.25	749
	dev/ic/aic6360var.h		1.6	191
	dev/ic/bha.c			1.34	532
	dev/ic/uha.c			1.23	394
	dev/ic/adv.c			1.15	919
	dev/ic/adw.c			1.14	1104
	dev/ic/mb89352var.h		1.2	188
	ufs/lfs/lfs_debug.c		1.9	231
	ufs/lfs/lfs_vfsops.c		1.46	741
	uvm/uvm_map_i.h			1.16	200, 228

	There are a bunch more that possibly should be conditional on
	db_fromconsole (but aren't).

	arch/next68k/next68k/machdep.c 1.29 line 1004 looks suspicious
	given the "...or parity errors" part of the comment above the

	arch/arm32/shark/scr.c 1.6 may need attention too; I'm not
	Trip over one of the conditions tested in any of the
	files/lines listed above.  Note that you get dropped into DDB
	even if ddb.onpanic is zero.
	Someone needs to look at each of the above and decide what the
	Right Thing is in each case.  Some of them may be right; AFAICT
	there is no uniform routine like panic() for "drop into DDB if
	present, otherwise ignore", but some of the above look like
		#ifdef DDB
	which is appropriate only when the condition might be
	recoverable by poking at things in DDB - and even then, there
	should be a way to set it for unattended operation.

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B