Subject: pkg/10767: devel/mit-pthreads conflicts with devel/pth
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/06/2000 15:42:05
>Number:         10767
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       devel/mit-pthreads conflicts with devel/pth
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Aug 06 15:42:01 PDT 2000
>Originator:     Rhialto
>Release:        pkgsrc -current of some days ago
System: NetBSD 1.4.1 NetBSD 1.4.1 (AZENOMEI) #27: Wed Jun 14 01:41:57 CEST 2000 alpha

	The mit-pthreads package installs a library
	/usr/pkg/pthreads/lib/libpthread.{a,so}. The pth package
	installs /usr/pkg/lib/libpthread.{a,so}. If some program is
	compiled with the mit-pthreads version of gcc,
	/usr/pkg/pthreads/bin/pgcc and also wants some library from
	/usr/pkg/lib (not uncommon), the pthread libraries may get
	confused, and link errors may ensue.

	install above packages, and try to make a python with thread
	support, by adding the following to its Makefile:

	CONFIGURE_ARGS  += --with-thread
	CC = /usr/pkg/pthreads/bin/pgcc

	Make. See mysterious link failures, which disappear as soon as
	/usr/pkg/lib/libpthread.{a,so} are moved out of the way.

	By the way, the resulting python does not seem good enough to
	work with Mojo Nation (see
	Manually move /usr/pkg/lib/libpthread.{a,so} of the way.  The
	other one is better anyway (but not perfect).

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert - rhialto@polder   -- Ah only did well at school
\X/      -- tae git intae an O level class tae git away fae Begbie.