Subject: Re: kern/8118: shutdown often fails to be clean
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/30/1999 15:24:51
> | 	When I reboot my development machine it often fails to
> | 	sync all buffers.  This happens perhaps in one out of five
> | 	shutdowns.

Is this perhaps NFS related?  I see this when I ssh to an NFS client
machine and shutdown via "shutdown -r now".  Upon login amd dutifully
NFS mounts my home dir from /home/wolfgang.  The shutdown kills amd
and NFS and the machine is left with no way to sync the NFS directory.
If I look at the console I can see it iterate over the sync attempt
eg. "syncing 15 7 1 1 1 1 1 giving up".

If I walk over to the console and log in as root then the machine goes
done cleanly.

       Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
DGPS signals via the Internet