Subject: Re: misc/7716: /etc/daily modify
To: None <seirios@Matrix.IRI.Co.Jp>
From: Takahiro Kambe <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 06/06/1999 13:15:18
In message <19990606130343R.seirios@Matrix.IRI.Co.Jp>
	on Sun, 06 Jun 1999 13:03:43 +0900,
	HEO SeonMeyong <seirios@Matrix.IRI.Co.Jp> wrote:
> > Of course, above awk script part isn't complete but basic idea is here.
> 	Is this based on /etc/fstab?
> 	I think taca's script forget some other filesystems without ffs
> 	like msdosfs, ext2fs, lfs, ntfs and ados.

But when using Japanese version Windows, msdos and ntfs contains
non-ASCII characters, I don't want to check those file systems.

> 	Then change to 
> find `awk '($3 ~ /^(ffs|msdos|ext2fs|lfs|ntfs|ados)/) \
So, these filesystems should be specified from daily.conf or somewhere.
And don't forget that the same problem exist on /etc/security.

if checkyesno check_devices; then
	> $ERR
	(find / \( ! -fstype local -o -fstype fdesc -o -fstype kernfs \
			-o -fstype procfs -o -fstype msdos \) -a -prune -o \
	    \( \( -perm -u+s -a ! -type d \) -o \
	       \( -perm -g+s -a ! -type d \) -o \
	       -type b -o -type c \) -print0 | \
	xargs -0 ls -ldgTq | sort +9 > $LIST) 2> $OUTPUT


Takahiro Kambe <>