Subject: xsrc/7452: XKB auto-repeat doesn't work in Xsun
To: None <>
From: Matthieu Herrb <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/23/1999 01:21:12
>Number: 7452
>Category: xsrc
>Synopsis: XKB auto-repeat doesn't work in Xsun
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: xsrc-manager (NetBSD X11 bug manager)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Apr 23 01:20:02 1999
Matthieu Herrb | e-mail:
CNRS/LAAS | url: <A HREF="">
Toulouse, France | War, what is it good for ? Absolutely nothing !
>Release: NetBSD-1.4_BETA of 1999/04/22
In Xsun server build with -current xsrc source, keyboard autorepeat
doesn't work unless you disable XKB.
Start an Xsun on a sparc with XKB enable, press any key and wait for
autorepeat to begin...
This is caused by the missing -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT flag while
compiling xc/programs/Xserver/xkb.
This can be fixed by the following patch:
--- xc/config/cf/ Fri Apr 23 09:38:44 1999
+++ xc/config/cf/ Fri Apr 23 09:41:09 1999
@@ -542,6 +542,9 @@
#ifndef XsunMonoServer
#define XsunMonoServer YES
+#ifndef XkbServerDefines
+#define XkbServerDefines -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
(Please note that there's also a spurious nested comment at the end of which can be part of the problem).