Subject: pkg/7362: emulators/pcemu doesn't run on m68k
To: None <>
From: Thomas Gerner <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/11/1999 23:08:54
>Number: 7362
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: emulators/pcemu doesn't run on m68k
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sun Apr 11 14:35:00 1999
>Originator: Thomas Gerner
>Release: pcemu-1.01a
System: NetBSD wiesel.intern 1.3K NetBSD 1.3K (WIESEL) #1: Sat Mar 13 22:29:45 CET 1999 thomas@wiesel.intern:/usr/src/sys/arch/atari/compile/WIESEL atari
pcemu-1.01a is on m68k compiled for little endian because
/usr/include/m68k/endian.h defines LITTLE_ENDIAN, which
is used at pcemu1.01alpha/cpu.h.
Build pcemu on m68k and try to run DOS.
*** cpu.h~ Sun Apr 11 22:45:18 1999
--- cpu.h Sun Apr 11 22:46:50 1999
*** 113,125 ****
format and back again. Obviously there is nothing to do for little-endian
machines... */
! #if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)
# define ChangeE(x) (WORD)(x)
# define ChangeE(x) (WORD)(((x) << 8) | ((BYTE)((x) >> 8)))
! #if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(ALIGNED_ACCESS)
# define ReadWord(x) (*(x))
# define WriteWord(x,y) (*(x) = (y))
# define CopyWord(x,y) (*x = *y)
--- 113,125 ----
format and back again. Obviously there is nothing to do for little-endian
machines... */
# define ChangeE(x) (WORD)(x)
# define ChangeE(x) (WORD)(((x) << 8) | ((BYTE)((x) >> 8)))
# define ReadWord(x) (*(x))
# define WriteWord(x,y) (*(x) = (y))
# define CopyWord(x,y) (*x = *y)