Subject: pkg/7318: nmap package installation problem
To: None <>
From: Dave Burgess <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/03/1999 23:03:20
>Number: 7318
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: install target in Makefile has conflicting options.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Apr 3 21:05:01 1999
>Originator: Dave Burgess
Dave Burgess Network Engineer - Nebraska On-Ramp, Inc.
*bsd FAQ Maintainer / SysAdmin for the NetBSD system in my spare bedroom
"Just because something is stupid doesn't mean there isn't someone that
doesn't want to do it...."
>Release: 1.3.3
System: NetBSD 1.3.3 NetBSD 1.3.3 (CYNJUT) #2: Sun Mar 14 18:06:01 CST 1999 i386
Make install/Make package of nmap package fails on first $(INSTALL)
because the default definition of $(INSTALL) includes -c, but the
install line includes a -d. These options are incompatible.
Try to install.
1. Change the target INSTALL definition to not use -c.
2. Add the -c to the install actions in the install make target so that
the file installation includes the -c.