Subject: Re: standards/5959: c++ language specification error or compiler error??
To: Todd Vierling <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/12/1998 22:30:32
>: 	function(foo=3);
>: 	printf("%d\n",foo);
>: will yield "4" as the output, in effect, assigning to an rvalue.  and
>: int is certainly not a c++ class.
>The compiler is being significantly upgraded in NetBSD-current this upcoming
>weekend.  I don't have access to the machine with my egcs compilers right
>now, but it is my feeling that this does not work on the newer gcc (egcs)
>that will be added.

so this is yet another problem with "not upgrading frequently"?  is
there any comment on this anywhere in the c++ arm (that anyone can

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