Subject: port-i386/5364: floppy driver has off-by-one bug in minor-number conversion
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 04/25/1998 15:03:52
>Number: 5364
>Category: port-i386
>Synopsis: off-by-one error makes it impossible to fdformat >/dev/rfd0[b-h]
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Apr 25 13:05:00 1998
>Originator: Brian Grayson
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
>Release: Apr 20
NetBSD marvin 1.3E NetBSD 1.3E (MARVIN) #39: Thu Apr 23 10:09:22 CDT 1998 bgrayson@marvin:/a/c3p0/home/c3p0/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/MARVIN i386
In the function fd_dev_to_type(fd,dev) in
/sys/arch/i386/isa/fd.c, it takes the device minor number
% 8, and uses this as an offset into the built-in floppy
table. Thus, a device with minor 0 is a 1.44M floppy,
minor 1 is a 1.2M floppy, etc. However, the code does
the following, where fd_types[] holds the above array:
return type ? &fd_types[type - 1] : fd->sc_deftype;
Thus, if we are trying to format /dev/rfd0b, it
calculates a `type' of 1, subtracts 1, and then uses the
entry for 1.44M!
Similarly, should the check really look for a zero
type, and return fd->sc_deftype? That's the only reason
fd0a works currently, as otherwise it would use the entry
fd_types[-1], leading to ``interesting'' problems (and
possible permanent floppy-drive damage from trying to
seek beyond 80 cyls). I'm addressing this and another
issue or two in another PR.
## Look at the params for fd0a:
# fdformat -f /dev/rfd0a
Ready to format /dev/rfd0a with 80 cylinders, 2 tracks, 18 sectors of 512 bytes
(1440 KB) Yes/no [y]?n
fdformat: formatting abandoned--not confirmed.
## Now look at params for fd0b:
# fdformat -f /dev/rfd0b
Ready to format /dev/rfd0b with 80 cylinders, 2 tracks, 18 sectors of 512 bytes
(1440 KB) Yes/no [y]?n
fdformat: formatting abandoned--not confirmed.
## And fd0c:
#fdformat -f /dev/rfd0c
Ready to format /dev/rfd0c with 80 cylinders, 2 tracks, 15 sectors of 512 bytes
(1200 KB) Yes/no [y]?n
fdformat: formatting abandoned--not confirmed.
## Notice that fd0b is using fd0a's settings, etc.
I don't have FreeBSD code handy -- if their driver is (near)
identical, this ought to be forwarded to them, although someone
from the appropriate group will probably see this on
netbsd-bugs. Or they may have already fixed it!
--- fd.c.orig Mon Mar 23 06:13:25 1998
+++ fd.c Sat Apr 25 14:34:21 1998
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
if (type > (sizeof(fd_types) / sizeof(fd_types[0])))
return NULL;
- return type ? &fd_types[type - 1] : fd->sc_deftype;
+ return type ? &fd_types[type] : fd->sc_deftype;