Subject: pkg/4341: deficiencies.
To: None <>
From: None <cgd@NetBSD.ORG>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 10/25/1997 01:02:14
>Number: 4341
>Category: pkg
>Synopsis: deficiencies
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Oct 24 18:05:01 1997
>Originator: Chris G. Demetriou
Kernel Hackers 'r' Us
>Release: NetBSD-current as of right now.
System: NetBSD 1.3_ALPHA NetBSD 1.3_ALPHA (BRICK) #1: Wed Oct 22 23:26:01 PDT 1997 i386
>Description: uses control characters unnecessarily.
This makes the file more annoying to read, edit, and cut&paste,
and is bad form for .mk templates in general.
Also, doesn't necessarily output valid
html for the README.html (in particular, doesn't turn
HTML metacharacters into the proper HTML entities).
Control characters:
Take a look at the cat ${README} | sed ... expressions in the
README.html rule. At first glance, it might seem that this use
of control characters is, while perhaps not necessary, somewhat
useful, because it helps avoid complexity in escaping characters
which may show up in file names.
Note that the use of control-B is completely unnecessary.
There's just no reason to use a control character here, and
any character not otherwise used in the substitute expression
(e.g. ,) would work just as well.
The use of control-A was seemingly intended to avoid characters
used in path names. However, there's no guarantee that a
control-A won't appear in a pathname, and there _is_ one
character which is guaranteed to not appear, in this case: /.
The 'internal' sed command (the one currently using control-B's 8-)
has the purpose of producing the component name name of the
current directory, which cannot contain any slashes! Therefore,
it's 'safe' to use / as the delimiter character in this case.
Invalid HTML:
Look at the same set of sed commands. Think of what
happens if the output contains HTML metacharacters (e.g. < and >),
perhaps because the pkg DESCR contains those characters or for
other reasons. Note that they'll end up in the output html
file as-is (rathr than being converted into entities, e.g.
< and >), and that therefore the resulting file will
in all likelyhood be invalid html (or, if it's valid html, it
probably doesn't contain what was intended).
Control characters:
Replace the control characters used with different characters.
I'd suggest replacing the control-As with slashes, and the
control-Bs with commas.
Post-process the html as appopriate, to convert metacharacters
to the proper HTML entities. This is probably best done by
processing in the data as it's being put into the file, rather
than afterward, so that metacharacters which really are supposed
to be there don't have to be handled specially.