Subject: port-amiga/4197: panic after use of Xserver shared memory capabilities
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 09/30/1997 23:16:30
>Number:         4197
>Category:       port-amiga
>Synopsis:       Kernel panic (MMU fault) after use of Xamiga shared memory
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Sep 30 23:20:04 1997
>Originator:     Ingolf Koch

Ingolf Koch     Balin@IRC
FSU Jena, Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik, 07740 Jena
>Release:        1.2.1
System: NetBSD 1.2.1 NetBSD 1.2.1 (MAUS) #0: Thu May 22 19:55:02 MET DST 1997 amiga

    After using the Xserver's shared memory capabilities on CV64,
    terminating the Xserver leads to a MMU fault.
    The crash happens just before /dev/grf5 is switched back to
    console mode.

    Xserver may be the one contained in

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panic: MMU fault
#0  panic (fmt=0x100 "") at ../../../../kern/subr_prf.c:131
131     }
(kgdb) where
#0  panic (fmt=0x100 "") at ../../../../kern/subr_prf.c:131
#1  0x281ee in panic (fmt=0xcca7b "MMU fault")
    at ../../../../kern/subr_prf.c:130
#2  0xccc6a in panictrap (type=8, code=10813952, v=50593793, fp=0x1e71d08)
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/amiga/trap.c:249
#3  0xccfb0 in trapmmufault (type=8, code=10813952, v=50593793, fp=0x1e71d08, 
    p=0x5bd200, sticks=0) at ../../../../arch/amiga/amiga/trap.c:508
#4  0xcd2b0 in trap (type=8, code=10813952, v=50593793, frame={F_t = {
        tf_regs = {50593983, 64, 0, 0, 64, 2, 0, 13, 50593793, 31923644, 
          764508, 892592, 1, 892592, 31923552, 234880584}, tf_pad = 0, 
        tf_stackadj = 0, tf_sr = 8192, tf_pc = 764556, tf_format = 4, 
        tf_vector = 8}, F_u = {F_fmt2 = {f_iaddr = 50593793}, F_fmt3 = {
          f_ea = 50593793}, F_fmt4 = {f_fa = 50593793, f_fslw = 10813952}, 
        F_fmt7 = {f_ea = 50593793, f_ssw = 165, f_wb3s = 512, f_wb2s = 772, 
          f_wb1s = 1, f_fa = 31923660, f_wb3a = 763180, f_wb3d = 64, 
          f_wb2a = 50331648, f_wb2d = 2565, f_wb1a = 1, f_wb1d = 0, 
          f_pd1 = 1338, f_pd2 = 135924148, f_pd3 = 0}, F_fmt9 = {
          f_iaddr = 50593793, f_iregs = {165, 512, 772, 1}}, F_fmtA = {
          f_ir0 = 772, f_ssw = 1, f_ipsc = 165, f_ipsb = 512, 
          f_dcfa = 50593793, f_ir1 = 487, f_ir2 = 7628, f_dob = 763180, 
          f_ir3 = 0, f_ir4 = 64}, F_fmtB = {f_ir0 = 772, f_ssw = 1, 
          f_ipsc = 165, f_ipsb = 512, f_dcfa = 50593793, f_ir1 = 487, 
          f_ir2 = 7628, f_dob = 763180, f_ir3 = 0, f_ir4 = 64, f_ir5 = 768, 
          f_ir6 = 0, f_sba = 2565, f_ir7 = 0, f_ir8 = 1, f_dib = 0, f_iregs = {
            0, 1338, 2074, 2484, 0, 0, 87, 30720, 487, 7800, 91, 53760, 91, 
            53760, 93, 38912, 480, 7632, 79, 0, 85, 54785}}}})
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/amiga/trap.c:706
#5  0x21b8 in addrerr ()
#6  0xba52c in cv_load_mon (gp=0x577800, md=0xd9eb0)
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/dev/grf_cv.c:1319
#7  0xb979c in cv_mode (gp=0x577800, cmd=2, arg=0x0, a2=0, a3=0)
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/dev/grf_cv.c:815
#8  0xb3388 in grfoff (dev=0) at ../../../../arch/amiga/dev/grf.c:383
#9  0xb3068 in grfclose (dev=0, flags=3, mode=8192, p=0x5bd200)
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/dev/grf.c:215
#10 0x44a0c in spec_close (v=0x1e71e78)
    at ../../../../miscfs/specfs/spec_vnops.c:644
#11 0x9f1de in ufsspec_close (v=0x1e71e78)
    at ../../../../ufs/ufs/ufs_vnops.c:1792
#12 0x3e5ae in vn_close (vp=0x5b8800, flags=0, cred=0x581d00, p=0x5bd200)
    at ../../../../sys/vnode_if.h:166
#13 0x3ec06 in vn_closefile (fp=0x0, p=0x5bd200)
    at ../../../../kern/vfs_vnops.c:436
#14 0x1f268 in closef (fp=0x5e3c80, p=0x5bd200)
    at ../../../../kern/kern_descrip.c:753
#15 0x1f0dc in fdfree (p=0x5bd200) at ../../../../kern/kern_descrip.c:695
#16 0x20092 in exit1 (p=0x5bd200, rv=256) at ../../../../kern/kern_exit.c:139
#17 0x1ffc8 in sys_exit (p=0x5bd200, v=0x0, retval=0x1e71f80)
    at ../../../../kern/kern_exit.c:93
#18 0xcd3f6 in syscall (code=1, frame={F_t = {tf_regs = {1, 46, -1, 31, 
          292816, 360496, 0, 0, 135924144, 0, 0, 1319796, 1319800, 135995488, 
          234880604, 234880584}, tf_pad = 0, tf_stackadj = 0, tf_sr = 16, 
        tf_pc = 135924148, tf_format = 0, tf_vector = 128}, F_u = {F_fmt2 = {
          f_iaddr = 150013450}, F_fmt3 = {f_ea = 150013450}, F_fmt4 = {
          f_fa = 150013450, f_fslw = 0}, F_fmt7 = {f_ea = 150013450, 
          f_ssw = 0, f_wb3s = 0, f_wb2s = 0, f_wb1s = 0, f_fa = 0, 
          f_wb3a = 150012426, f_wb3d = 0, f_wb2a = 150012938, f_wb2d = 0, 
          f_wb1a = 0, f_wb1d = 0, f_pd1 = 0, f_pd2 = 0, f_pd3 = 0}, F_fmt9 = {
          f_iaddr = 150013450, f_iregs = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, F_fmtA = {
          f_ir0 = 2289, f_ssw = 1546, f_ipsc = 0, f_ipsb = 0, f_dcfa = 0, 
          f_ir1 = 0, f_ir2 = 0, f_dob = 150012426, f_ir3 = 0, f_ir4 = 0}, 
        F_fmtB = {f_ir0 = 2289, f_ssw = 1546, f_ipsc = 0, f_ipsb = 0, 
          f_dcfa = 0, f_ir1 = 0, f_ir2 = 0, f_dob = 150012426, f_ir3 = 0, 
          f_ir4 = 0, f_ir5 = 2289, f_ir6 = 1034, f_sba = 0, f_ir7 = 0, 
          f_ir8 = 0, f_dib = 0, f_iregs = {0 <repeats 22 times>}}}})
    at ../../../../arch/amiga/amiga/trap.c:831
#19 0x22f8 in trap0 ()
Cannot access memory at address 0xdfffe5c.

    So the crash appears while executing grf_cv code.
    More details available on request.
    On an Amiga 4000 w/ CyberStorm060, CyberVision64, NetBSD 1.2.1,
    and X11R6.1 run mpeg_play w/o the -shmem_off option. After that,
    terminate the X server. (Do a sync before killing X.)
    No idea.