Subject: [] partition table destroyed
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 03/15/1996 10:45:13
 * This message contains the file 'NBSE', which has been
 * uuencoded. If you are using Pegasus Mail, then you can use
 * the browser's eXtract function to lift the original contents
 * out to a file, otherwise you will have to extract the message
 * and uudecode it manually.

[ Tee hee! What a crock! -gwr ]
[ Here is the message, decoded: ]


I have installed netbsd11, with some troubles.

The first was with the hdd partitioning. In the install description 
is written, to have an extra partition. But it must be(?) a primary 
partition, because when I installed it in an extended/logical, it
has destroyed the boot sector and the partition table. Please correct
the install description in this way.

The second problem is with the man system:
    - there are man entrys without programs (for example adduser)
    - there are 'links' to man pages, which are not present ( for 
        example special(8) ).

Has the distribution kit another holes?

The system does not recognize my cyrix m7 (dx40) good: it says it is 
an dlc. 
Zsolt Pelhrimovszky