Subject: port-mac/1931: option DEBUG causes kernel compilation failure on mac68k
To: None <>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/11/1996 22:24:26
>Number: 1931
>Category: port-mac
>Synopsis: option DEBUG causes kernel compilation failure on mac68k
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu Jan 11 15:50:02 1996
>Originator: Erik Bertelsen
>Release: NetBSD-current 10. jan. 1996
NetBSD 1.1A/Mac68k, Mac II cx.
Enabling options DEBUG in the kernel configuration file for NetBSD/Mac68k
reveals two kinds of errors:
1. Redefinitions of DEBUG in various source files which are treated as errors
under gcc -Werror. According to the C Standard, redefinition of a macro without
#undefs between the definitions is only valid if both definitions have exactly
the same replacement texts.
In particular the #define DEBUG followed immediately by #undef DEBUG is a
unnecessary violation of this rule. It is in fact always valid to #undef
a macro regardless of the existence of a macro of this name at the current
place in the compilations.
This causes compilation errors in the files ser.c and fpu_emulate.h that can
be corrected as shown in the patches below.
locore.s cause a warning from the C preprocessor that does not cause the com-
pilation to halt, but it is still in the same class. In locore.s, DEBUG is
used to control the definition of a macro that is never used, so in the
patch below, I removed this definition as well (plus a variable that is only
used within this macro, but set in machdep.c.
2. Exposition of bugs in code that is not normally compiled into the kernel.
In nubus.c a missing type cast of the second parameter to pmap_extract is
In vm_machdep.c there is a reference to the macro CLOFFSET, but this macro
is (no longer?) defined in any header file. Without having any replacement
code, the comment above in the source file leads me to guess that the inten-
tion is to test that size is an integral multiplum of CLSIZE. My patch to
this function is NOT a fix, just a work-around to make it compile.
option DEBUG
to kernel configuration file and re-compile.
*** arch/mac68k/dev/nubus.c Sat Oct 14 03:07:53 1995
--- arch/mac68k/dev/nubus.c.ny Thu Jan 11 14:10:12 1996
*** 168,174 ****
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nubus_debug & NDB_PROBE) {
! phys = pmap_extract(pmap_kernel(), rom_probe-1);
printf("probing slot %d, first probe at 0x%x (phys 0x%x).\n",
slot, rom_probe-1, phys);
--- 168,174 ----
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nubus_debug & NDB_PROBE) {
! phys = pmap_extract(pmap_kernel(), (vm_offset_t)rom_probe-1);
printf("probing slot %d, first probe at 0x%x (phys 0x%x).\n",
slot, rom_probe-1, phys);
*** arch/mac68k/dev/ser.c Thu Dec 14 13:22:33 1995
--- arch/mac68k/dev/ser.c.ny Thu Jan 11 14:13:41 1996
*** 120,127 ****
#define zsstart serstart
#define zsstop serstop
#define zstty sertty
- #define DEBUG
- #undef DEBUG
#define ZSMAJOR 12 /* XXX */
--- 120,125 ----
*** arch/mac68k/mac68k/locore.s Mon Dec 11 21:36:33 1995
--- arch/mac68k/mac68k/locore.s.ny Thu Jan 11 14:19:07 1996
*** 804,827 ****
.globl _IOBase
.globl _NuBusBase
- .globl _locore_dodebugmarks
- #define DEBUG
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define debug_mark(s) \
- .data ; \
- 0: .asciz s ; \
- .text ; \
- tstl _locore_dodebugmarks ; \
- beq 1f ; \
- movml #0xC0C0, sp@- ; \
- pea 0b ; \
- jbsr _printf ; \
- addql #4, sp ; \
- movml sp@+, #0x0303 ; \
- 1: ;
- #endif
movw #PSL_HIGHIPL,sr | no interrupts. ever.
--- 804,809 ----
*** 2123,2128 ****
.word 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- .long 0
- _locore_dodebugmarks:
.long 0
--- 2105,2108 ----
*** arch/mac68k/mac68k/machdep.c Wed Jan 10 13:26:00 1996
--- arch/mac68k/mac68k/machdep.c.ny Thu Jan 11 14:21:13 1996
*** 1890,1896 ****
extern void
- extern u_long locore_dodebugmarks;
extern u_long bootdev, videobitdepth, videosize;
extern u_long end, esym;
extern u_long macos_boottime, MacOSROMBase;
--- 1890,1895 ----
*** 1936,1942 ****
mac68k_machine.mach_memsize = getenv("MEMSIZE");
mac68k_machine.do_graybars = getenv("GRAYBARS");
- locore_dodebugmarks = mac68k_machine.do_graybars;
mac68k_machine.serial_boot_echo = getenv("SERIALECHO");
mac68k_machine.serial_console = getenv("SERIALCONSOLE");
/* Should probably check this and fail if old */
--- 1935,1940 ----
*** arch/m68k/fpe/fpu_emulate.h Mon Dec 11 21:35:50 1995
--- arch/m68k/fpe/fpu_emulate.h.ny Thu Jan 11 15:23:40 1996
*** 302,309 ****
int fpu_store_ea __P((struct frame *frame, struct instruction *insn,
struct insn_ea *ea, char *src));
! /* macros for debugging */
! #define DEBUG /* XXX */
extern int fpu_debug_level;
--- 302,308 ----
int fpu_store_ea __P((struct frame *frame, struct instruction *insn,
struct insn_ea *ea, char *src));
! /* declarations for debugging */
extern int fpu_debug_level;
*** arch/mac68k/mac68k/vm_machdep.c Mon Dec 11 21:36:56 1995
--- arch/mac68k/mac68k/vm_machdep.c.ny Thu Jan 11 15:30:20 1996
*** 239,245 ****
register vm_offset_t pa;
#ifdef DEBUG
! if (size & CLOFFSET)
while (size > 0) {
--- 239,245 ----
register vm_offset_t pa;
#ifdef DEBUG
! if (size /* & CLOFFSET */)
while (size > 0) {