Subject: port-amiga/1920: no DMA for fd & audio w/o grf_cc installed
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/10/1996 00:59:04
>Number: 1920
>Category: port-amiga
>Synopsis: no DMA for fd & audio w/o grf_cc installed
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Jan 10 01:20:01 1996
>Originator: Ezra Story
>Release: 1.1
System: NetBSD inca 1.1A NetBSD 1.1A (INCA) #75: Mon Jan 8 01:52:04 EST 1996 ezy@inca:/usr/src/sys/arch/amiga/compile/INCA amiga
The code which handles the Amiga display is the only code which sets the
DMAF_MASTER bit in INTENA for the custom chips. Therefore, if
you remove grf_cc, anything that uses custom chip DMA will fail. I noticed
this when I took grf_cc out (I run only grf_cl) and the floppy stopped
working. A perusal of the code revealed the error in fd.c and a similar
error in cc.c for the audio handler.
Don't compile grf_cc in the kernel. The one section of code which enables
DMAF_MASTER is removed along with it, causing anything using custom chip
DMA (audio, fd) to fail.
Simply set DMAF_MASTER when setting any DMA bits below it.
Patch fd.c and cc.c as follows:
*** old/fd.c Wed Jan 10 00:36:59 1996
--- new/fd.c Wed Jan 10 00:29:24 1996
*** 360,366 ****
* enable disk related interrupts
! custom.dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_DISK;
/* XXX why softint */
ciaa.icr = CIA_ICR_IR_SC | CIA_ICR_FLG;
--- 360,366 ----
* enable disk related interrupts
! custom.dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_MASTER | DMAF_DISK;
/* XXX why softint */
ciaa.icr = CIA_ICR_IR_SC | CIA_ICR_FLG;
*** old/cc.c Wed Jan 10 00:31:01 1996
--- new/cc.c Wed Jan 10 00:31:01 1996
*** 442,448 ****
* turn on interrupts and enable dma for channels and
custom.intena = INTF_SETCLR | (dmabits << 7);
! custom.dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | dmabits;
--- 442,448 ----
* turn on interrupts and enable dma for channels and
custom.intena = INTF_SETCLR | (dmabits << 7);
! custom.dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_MASTER | dmabits;