Subject: kern/1883: "install" causes kernel panic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 01/02/1996 22:17:12
>Number: 1883
>Category: kern
>Synopsis: "install" (the executable) can cause kernel panic
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: kern-bug-people (Kernel Bug People)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Wed Jan 3 01:35:04 1996
>Originator: Henric Jungheim
-------- Henric Jungheim ------------------- --------
>Release: sup'ed as of Jan 1 <NetBSD-current source date>
System: NetBSD 1.1A NetBSD 1.1A (HENRIC) #7: Wed Dec 27 23:04:44 PST 1995 amiga
amiga 4000/040 w/ 16mb RAM
Running install on a file in the current directory, to the current
directory causes a kernel panic on my machine. The panic stated "locking
against self" (or something similar). Each time, I have been running as
root (twice in multiuser--where I can't see the console because of X11, and
once in single-user mode).
install foo .
has crashed my amiga the three times I have tried it.