Subject: Re: misc/508: requires but doesn't #include it
To: der Mouse <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 10/08/1994 14:52:14
On Sat, 8 Oct 1994 07:58:53 -0400 
 der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> wrote:

 > That kind of thinking would have us still using punched cards on IBM
 > mainframes.  There comes a point where an incompatible change must be
 > made.  The particular change under discussion has the nice property
 > that a changed system is compatible with old code - which is more than
 > can be said of many of the changes with tradition that NetBSD has made,
 > such as POSIX sessions and the infamous setreuid() stuff, which break
 > existing code that works on pre-change systems.

Let me just state the reason I sent the bug report in the first place...

The particular program I was compiling (Dhrystones) built *out of the 
box* under HP-UX (7.0-9.05), Dynix 3.1.2, Dynix/ptx 2.1, and SunOS 
4.1.3.  While none of these other OS's have <sys/types.h> included in 
<sys/resource.h> (HP-UX does only if you define _INCLUDE_HPUX_SOURCE), 
none of them use quad_t (or any other non-builtin type) either.

So why should NetBSD, which is, IMHO, a far-superior OS, require someone 
to modify the code they just built on some other platform without any 
problems?  I'm sorry, but this seems rather rediculous.

Maybe I'm just too picky, but there's alot of old code like this out there...


Jason R. Thorpe                      758-2003
Systems Administrator            CSWest Room 5                    737-2229
CS Dept, Oregon State University 
               "I brought my BOWLING BALL -- and some DRUGS!"
                      -- ztp