Subject: Another day, another crash
To: None <>
From: Dan Bornstein <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/11/1994 17:36:15
Remember me? Well, I did another clean install of beta, and I wrote a
script that just hammered on my /usr partition from several processes,
copying, moving, untarring, and deleting files. After each run, I
rebooted the machine. After the third run of it, the auto-run of fsck
failed. This time, a few manual runs of fsck cleared it up. The actual
problems are different than what I was experiencing before. What I'm
seeing (I think) is that inodes corresponding to directories that were
rm'ed but still open when the machine was halted aren't getting
cleared properly, so when I reboot, fsck sees them and complains.

Don't know if you care or not, but it's a problem. I'm still trying
to reproduce my previous fsck weirdness.

Take care.

