Subject: Re: bin/396: ld/ (on hp300) pay too much attention to shared library minor numbers
To: Peter Galbavy <>
From: Paul Kranenburg <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 08/07/1994 13:52:14
> It seems that the NetBSD way of doing things is slightly different from the
> systems (Sun) that I grew up on. But then Sun haven't been maintaining
> version numbers on their releases anyway... just up'ing the minor number
> for each release of SunOS 4.X. Sigh.

That's because they (probably) haven't changed anything since 4.0 that
warrants it. Eg.: their off_t is still long, dev_t a short, ctype a char[],
etc... (just to name a few that caused the NetBSD libc major to fly).

With 1.0 now imminent, I can ony hope that the (esp. libc) major numbers
stabilize a bit, as subsequent binary releases will likely have to
include previously "supported" shared libraries (or an upgrade mechanism
to preserve them) lest locally compiled binaries face a sudden death.
