Subject: port-hp300/316: hp300 kernels require 'grf' support
To: None <gnats-admin>
From: jason downs <downsj@CSOS.ORST.EDU>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 07/01/1994 22:05:07
>Number: 316
>Category: port-hp300
>Synopsis: hp300 kernels require 'grf' support
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: gnats-admin (GNATS administrator)
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Jul 1 22:05:03 1994
>Originator: jason downs
"Computer Science Outreach Services, Oregon State University"
>Release: NetBSD 0.9C-current (four days old)
System: NetBSD jacobs 0.9C NetBSD 0.9C (JACOBS) #11: Fri Jul 1 21:49:05 PDT 1994 downsj@foundation:/usr/src/sys/arch/hp300/compile/JACOBS hp300
hp300 kernels will not compile without grf device configured into
them. The ite and grf devices are also mutually dependant.
Attempt to config a kernel without grf and ite support.
This is the really hackish and most likely incorrect may of making
grf 'optional': (/sys/arch/hp300/hp300/conf.c)
*** conf.c.orig Fri Jul 1 05:43:54 1994
--- conf.c Fri Jul 1 21:33:54 1994
*** 219,224 ****
--- 219,226 ----
/* XXX shouldn't this be optional? */
+ #include "grf.h"
+ #if NGRF > 0
/* open, close, ioctl, select, map -- XXX should be a map device */
#define cdev_grf_init(c,n) { \
*** 226,231 ****
--- 228,234 ----
(dev_type_write((*))) nullop, dev_init(c,n,ioctl), \
(dev_type_stop((*))) enodev, (dev_type_reset((*))) nullop, 0, \
dev_init(c,n,select), dev_init(c,n,map), 0 }
+ #endif
#include "ppi.h"
*** 300,306 ****
cdev_tape_init(NCT,ct), /* 7: cs80 cartridge tape */
cdev_disk_init(NSD,sd), /* 8: scsi disk */
cdev_disk_init(NRD,rd), /* 9: hpib disk */
! cdev_grf_init(1,grf), /* 10: frame buffer */
cdev_ppi_init(NPPI,ppi), /* 11: printer/plotter interface */
cdev_tty_init(NDCA,dca), /* 12: built-in single-port serial */
cdev_ite_init(NITE,ite), /* 13: console terminal emulator */
--- 303,313 ----
cdev_tape_init(NCT,ct), /* 7: cs80 cartridge tape */
cdev_disk_init(NSD,sd), /* 8: scsi disk */
cdev_disk_init(NRD,rd), /* 9: hpib disk */
! #if NGRF > 0
! cdev_grf_init(NGRF,grf), /* 10: frame buffer */
! #else
! cdev_notdef(), /* 10 */
! #endif
cdev_ppi_init(NPPI,ppi), /* 11: printer/plotter interface */
cdev_tty_init(NDCA,dca), /* 12: built-in single-port serial */
cdev_ite_init(NITE,ite), /* 13: console terminal emulator */