Subject: Re: Does stty(1) not work in NetBSD 0.9?
To: None <>
From: Mike Long <>
List: netbsd-bugs
Date: 11/28/1993 18:09:12
>Date: Sun, 28 Nov 93 15:58:10 MST
>From: (Theo Deraadt)
>>stty -a -f /dev/tty00
>>stty -f /dev/tty00 clocal
>>but the result of 'stty -a -f /dev/tty0' is unchanged; I still get
>>-clocal.  The ownership of /dev/tty00 is uucp.wheel.  Recompiling stty
>>from the sources distributed with 0.9 didn't fix the problem.
>This is correct behaviour -- what you are trying to do is wrong.
>tty devices reset to their initial state after a last-close. A last
>close even is happening when the "stty clocal" exists. Thus the
>clocal flag is getting reset.

How do I change the initial state, then?  I have read that the clocal
flag needs to be set in order for tip (and kermit, and any other comm
program) to work.  Is there a flag I have to set in my /etc/remote or
/etc/gettytab, and if so what is it?

Basically, how can I set things up so that I can just say
'tip 5551212' and connect with the line set up the way I want?

Aside from clocal, I would also like to be able to set the modem port
to 8N1, instead of the 7 bits it seems to be set to now.
Mike Long                               
VLSI Design Engineer                              voice: (617)461-4030
Analog Devices, SPD Div.                            FAX: (617)461-3010
Norwood, MA 02062                            *this = !opinion(Analog);
