Subject: SFBA NetBSD Users Group BBQ
To: None <>
From: Evil Erik <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 11/24/1999 17:53:45
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From: Erik Berls <>
Subject: SFBA NetBSD Users Group BBQ
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 17:53:45 -0800

In Light of the holidays, and the fact that some of us felt that a
non-weekday event might encourage a higher attendence.

So, as Todd W. suggested, lets have a BBQ!
Unfortunately, its a touch past BBQ season, but if its dry out, its a go!
Due to the time restraints and holidays, etc, the first weekend will be
the weekend we are throwing the dice on for good weather.

When:	Saturday, December 4th.   12:00 - ?
Where:	Rengstorf Park, Mt View
How:	from 101: take Rengstorff Ave south
	pass Central Expressway & Train Tracks
	turn left, park
	from Caltrans: im not sure the nearest stop

For this to happen people need to bring stuff.  Ill kick things off by
bringing a 5gal keg of micro-brew, and charcoal.

Let me know what you intend to bring, or if you want to know whats needed.

URL:	www.netbsd.NET/SFBA/picnic

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