Subject: Updating database of mirror sites
To: None <netbsd-announce@NetBSD.ORG>
From: J.T. Conklin <>
List: netbsd-announce
Date: 12/07/1995 13:17:53
As some helpful folks have pointed out, the files listing NetBSD
mirrors are out of date.  There are some sites listed that are no
longer mirroring, and there are some new mirror sites that aren't

To bring this under control, I'm setting up a mirror database that
will contain all the information needed to generate the mirror file
(and web page) listings and a mailing list for mirror maintainers.

If all mirror maintainers could please fill out and send the enclosed
mirror database template, we'll be able to get all the nits ironed out.


J.T. Conklin

Mirror database entries are processed by various scripts to generate 
lists of NetBSD mirrors that are published on the NetBSD WWW Page,
on NetBSD ftp sites, and in NetBSD distributions.  The data is also
used to maintain a private e-mail mail list used to relay important
information to mirror maintainers.

The generic form of these lines is:

#<field id letter><tab><field data>

Each mirror has an entry in the following format.  The entry should
not contain any blank lines, since there are ed, sed, and awk scripts
used to process the data.  The #O, #C, #E, and #P fields will be kept
confidential, they will be used so that NetBSD Project administration
volunteers will be able to contact mirror maintainers.

#M	machine name
#F	ftp url
#A	afs directory (if applicable)
#S	sup instructions (if applicable)
#O	organization name
#C	contact person's name
#E	contact person's electronic mail address
#T	contact person's telephone number
#P	contact person's postal address
#W	who last edited the entry; date edited.

Example of a completed entry:
#O	The NetBSD Foundation
#C	J.T. Conklin
#E	jtc@NetBSD.ORG
#T	+1 415 555 1212
#P	131 Santa Marina, San Francisco, CA USA 94110
#W; Mon Nov 27 17:02:06 PST 1995

Please send completed mirror database entries to mirrors@NetBSD.ORG