Subject: Re: NetBSD booth at LinuxWorld Boston?
To: Dru <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/25/2006 16:10:13
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Dru wrote:
> Linuxworld Boston    April 3 -6
> OSCON, Portland        July 24 - 28
> Linuxworld San Fran    August 14 - 17

I did the NetBSD Linuxworld SF booth last year, and unless things
change, I will do one this year as well.  Volunteers welcome.  :)

As far as Boston goes, I have some stuff here (well, I will when it gets
back from SCALE) that I would be willing to ship to someone who agrees
to take responsibility for getting it back to me at the end - a largish
"NetBSD" banner for hanging in the booth, and there may be some flyers
and a few t-shirts left.  Please contact me off-list to arrange, if
anyone's interested.
> All projects are welcome to share the booth and we like to see
> representatives from each project. We did that for last year's OSCON,
> had a great time and impressed attendees (there are still nasty
> rumours out there that the BSD projects are fragmented and don't work
> with each other).

At Linuxworld SF, I got lots of people asking about the other *BSD
projects, and our party line was that the similarities are greater than
the differences - people definitely respond better to supportive
comments than disparaging ones.

> For each event, the conference organizers need the list of names of
> those who will help man the booth. Those who are interested in
> Linuxworld Boston, email me with the day(s) you are interested in. You
> don't have to be available each day, but I need to know your name at
> least 2 weeks in advance of the event. I will do similar calls as the
> other events draw near.

For SF specifically, I'm very interested in inter-project coordination -
as I said, I plan to do another NetBSD booth, but I'm interested in
working with folks from other projects, as well...


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