Subject: Re: NetBSD booth at LinuxWorld Boston?
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/24/2006 23:48:02
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Brian Asemi <> wrote:

> >Does anyone know what our next step is, now that we have at least a few=
> >people interested in making this booth happen?  Because I have off-site=
> >training from Tuesday to the Friday of that week, at best I can only be=
> >there Monday morning to help set up.  But I can coordinate logistics and=
> >planning during the time leading up to that conference, and talk to the=
> >right people to make sure that things get done when they need to be.
> >
> >There is a checklist on that conference site that I will take a look at =
> >see what needs to get done.  It sounds like we will also need some money=
. =20
> >Does anyone know how we can get some official NetBSD funding for this=20
> >event?

> I talked to a woman on the phone about it and she said the minimum size=
> for a booth is 100 square feet, at 50 dollars per square foot, which is=
> five thousand dollars...A friend of mine suggested I ask them if they=20
> have booths available for non-profit groups, because a lot of the booths=
> are for companies like Novell and stuff.

Yes, LinuxWorld does make booths available at no cost to open source
organizations.  They do come with certain requirements, however, such as
that the booth needs to be staffed at all hours of the expo.  We have
done this before at other events, but we usually try to get at least one
developer onboard and committed to the event before we try to sign up
for a booth.  It may also be too late to still qualify for a free booth,
but I don't know that.

However, if you are willing to organize the whole booth by yourself and
want to take responsibility, please send an email to and we'll try to help you and get some
NetBSD merchandise to Boston.


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