Subject: Re: The NetBSD Logo at Wikipedia
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Christian Hattemer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/23/2006 00:56:10
Hallo Hubert,

Am 22.02.06 schriebst Du:

>> Somehow, Wikipedia isn't very clear about it itself:

The mentioned text (don't have the mail here to quote properly) assumes that
the image has a free license or no copyright and just mentions that
trademarks and other right may still be valid. It's that kind that I
suggested in my first reply as a possible option.

However it may read differently when you don't know these details because
you didn't browse through loads of archived discussion on the subject.

> Yes. Comparing the german and english logo template confirms this:

English and german Wikipedias are quite independent and sometimes very
different. This doesn't only show in the content of the articles but also
in layout and design questions, and, most important here, in copyright
issues. While the english version is mostly under US law, the german one
has mostly german law.


This makes it possible that the "fair use" policy can be used here. This
makes using logos and the like quite simple.


But it can't be used here, because such a policy doesn't exist here. And the
right to make citations isn't used due to internal policies. This creates
the problems that started this thread.

Bye, Chris