Subject: [fwd: NetBSD Live CD]
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2006 16:58:55
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Seen on another list:
> This was brought to my attention. This looks like an interesting
> project
> From their website:
> This acronym is pronounced just like the word "newbie" and stands for
> (Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy. Newbie is a NetBSD live CD
> similar in spirit to the well-known FreeSBIE live CD. Newbie currently
> caters to the desktop-user (i.e. with applications for web browsing,
> chat, multimedia, document editing, etc) but will also serve as a core
> for creating a NetBSD version of Arudius (see below) - a network
> security auditing tool. Why based on NetBSD? Because contrary to the
> popular opinion, NetBSD is not some obscure *BSD flavor that is only
> good for powering your toaster, but is a powerful, flexible and highly
> portable operating system. In many aspects it is better than its more
> famous cousins. Did you know that NetBSD recently broke and still holds
> the record for network data transfer speed? Read about the achievement.
> And what about speed and scalability? Note the first item of the "News"
> section:-)=20
That's a tricky one. You have to use calculus and imaginary numbers ...
like eleventeen, thirty-twelve, and all those ...
-- Hobbes
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