Subject: Re: Website design proposal
To: None <>
From: Jacek Kutzmann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/14/2005 20:25:39
Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> Looks nice, I have two comments:
> * the grey bars left and right are a BIG waste of screen estate, aid I'd
> rather see them go away
> * There's no "last modified" as on the bottom of the current page
These all, with the languages selection layout etc, are details that can
be changed almost on the fly when this gif image become HTML/XML.
> What I also wonder is, is there some easy(!) way to get this design over
> all our translations (htdocs/*/index.html), using XML magic?
I not really am an XML magician so I'am not good person to ask.
> And also, the question if this still works with links/lynx etc. is open.
I really don't think that addind a few images to the site will brake
text browsers.