Subject: BSDA exam objectives released (press release)
To: None <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/07/2005 10:23:18
BSD Certification Group Publishes BSD Associate Exam Objectives

October 6, 2005 -- The BSD Certification Group announced the
publication of the exam objectives for the BSD Associate (BSDA)
certification exam.  The BSDA certification is designed to be an
entry-level certification on BSD Unix systems administration. This
certification is scheduled to launch in the second quarter of 2006.

The exam objectives are detailed in a Certification Requirements
document which also contains the official description for the BSDA
certification exam, a description of the intended audience, and a
chart of applicable commands and documentation to assist the exam
candidates in their studies.

"Understanding concepts and their realisation is most important in
both education and certifications," said Hubert Feyrer, a member
of the BSD Certification Group. "In this document, we identify
areas where there are differences and similarities for the BSDs,
so common concepts can be learned as well as by what specific
implementations each of the systems achieves their feature standout."

"This document provides resources upon which students, teachers,
and we as a certification group can build BSD training and
certification upon," said Feyrer who has been teaching university
and college classes on system administration and open source for
several years.

The BSDA exam objectives will be made available in several languages
and are available for download from the BSD Certification Group's website.

About the BSD Certification Group

The BSD Certification Group is comprised of educators, writers and
sysadmins who are well versed in and passionate about BSD systems.
The group was formed in January 2005 to create a BSD certification
program that is recognized as the industry standard for certifying
both the knowledge and the ability to perform administrative tasks
on BSD systems. The BSD Certification Group website is at