Subject: Unfindable 4.4 BSD documentation under /usr/share/doc NOR in misc.tgz ??
To: None <>
From: Alexandre Hauguel <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/25/2005 16:02:07
Hello netbsd-advocacy !

I just wanted to find good 4.4 bsd documentation - regarding sendmail for
example. So I pointed under /usr/share/doc/* and I saw that a lot of
directories where I must find good documentation were empty !! Though I find

So I asked in the chat why and they told me to untar misc.tgz to recover the
files but misc.tgz did not contain the documentation missing..

It appears there were legal issues between bsd and at&t - could it be the
reason why these "official" 4.4 bsd documentation are missing ?
If not how can I recover all the documentation tree ? ( Maybe I could
download the files from someone )

I am really interesting to have these documents. Having 4.4 bsd
documentation under one's *bsd's box is fine.. ;)

I hope to hear soon from you..

Kind regards