Subject: Re: [lo] Re: Flag logo CPU badges?
To: None <>
From: Alexander Chamandy <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/13/2005 17:50:24
> You seem to argue that b/c a rule can -- supposedly -- not be enforced
> means it doesn't apply.  I won't be dragged into ridicolous
> dramatizations, but suffice it to say that this is not how society, law
> or ethics work.

I don't want to drag anyone in to ridiculous dramatizations, either,
and I'm not specifically talking about CafePress or other related
sites with a simple IP policy.  You had mentioned in a prior e-mail
that you believe TNF should be enforcing their license when related to
other software developers using the code.  How was this applied to the
many instances where OpenBSD has used NetBSD's code without due credit
applied?  Does that not constitute a direct violation?   Is more time
and effort being spent on NetBSD IP than maintaining essential
services like anoncvs, when repeated hardware failures are causing
users a lot of frustration?  Just curious.  Here are some smileys to
make the e-mail seem more pleasent for you.  :) :) :) (: (: (:

Best wishes,

Alexander G. Chamandy
Your Source For BSD News!