Subject: Re: We have an image problem...
To: Miguel Mendez <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/07/2005 21:14:48
Linus is merely engaging in the tried and true technique of "always blame your
opponent for your own faults first". We saw a lot of this during the recent
US election.
The fact is, there are a ton of separate, distinct, and quite different Linux
kernels for all sorts of purposes. There are uCLinux and MontaVista Linux
for embedded applications. IBM has an extensive set of kernel changes,
including a complete rewrite of the scheduler, for the S/370 port they
distribute. Each distribution (RedHat, SuSE, et al) has their own set of
kernel patches. Etc.
He's full of shit, but if he keeps spouting the line, everyone will think his
house is clean.