Subject: TextMaker/PlanMaker
To: None <>
From: Daniel de Kok <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/11/2004 11:21:59

I thought it would be useful to post this: Softmaker, the company that
made the TextMaker wordprocessor and PlanMaker spreadsheet has a one
day limited price-cut of their programs. For instance their TextMaker
program temporarily costs $11.11 in contrast to the normal $49.95,
and SoftMaker Office (TextMaker + PlanMaker) for $33.33 instead of
the normal $69.95. I use both the Linux versions of TextMaker and
PlanMaker on NetBSD, and both work perfect via the Linux emulation.
So, if you were planning to try out this "NetBSD-friendly" office
suite, it this is a good opportunity.

-- Daniel

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