Subject: Re: NetBSD web design
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/07/2004 17:31:40
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Jason Thorpe <> wrote:
> On Nov 4, 2004, at 7:32 PM, Zach Crisler wrote:
> >I think everyone is missing the bigger picture. A site redesign has
> >got to be more than putting a new layout or new colors on the pages.
> >It is about making the site more easily maintainable. It is about
> >better organizing documents. It is about making the site more usable.
> > From an advocacy point of view, we need to discuss goals and
> >expectations. What are we trying to achieve via
> I agree with you 100%. Really, the Board needs to lay out some goals=20
> that the comms-exec team can then work on implementing.
I really don't think that this is necessary. I believe the goals of the
website are more or less obvious, even if somewhat fuzzy (by nature):
On the ``what should the website do'' front:
- provide information
- convey professionalism
On the ``what should the website be'' front:
- easy to navigate
- cross-browser and cross-platform friendly
- aesthetically pleasing
- standards compliant
(Yes, show me a website where people do _not_ have these goals. As I
said, obvious and fuzzy. ;-)
I for one encourage everybody who's skillfull[1] enough to think about
how to improve the current website, but on the other hand I really don't
think that an official request of or call for a redesign is a good idea.
FWIW, here's another layout or design that I like a fair bit, too:
[1] It's too bad, but apparently most of the developers are lacking the
skills or the interest to learn the skills in the webdesign area.
Except most of the good bits were about frogs, I remember that.
You would not believe some of the things about frogs.
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