Subject: Re: NetBSD web design
To: Zach Crisler <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/05/2004 00:09:10
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On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 01:57:00PM -0500, Zach Crisler wrote:
> To comment on some things that have been said...
> Lubomir Sedlacik wrote:
> > there is a reason why front page doesn't use CSS.  try to
> > open the page in lynx, links, links -g, dillo, netscape 4.x, ...
> Just because text-based browsers do not support CSS is no reason to
> dismiss web standards.  Before you take sides against standards based
> design perhaps you should visit <> or talk
> to Jeffrey Zeldman <> and the folks at A
> List Apart <>.

at first, i though i will just refrain from answering to the replies to
my comments, but i now feel i need to.  the fact that there are
standards is very nice and i fully support w3c standards compliant web
pages (i did/have few of such ones myself).  i know a list apart very
well, thank you.  but don't forget that NetBSD is also about
compatibility and friendliness toward older hardware.  when your only
option for a decent web browser is netscape 4.x under an foreign
emulation, you start to appreciate friendly webpages to standards
compliant CSS designs which look hideous in your browser.  the front
page of site should be user friendly in the first place.

url with my alternative design was already leaked from private
conversations bu hubert, so i will cite a paragraph or two from my mail
addressed to www@ to clarify my intentions:

> > i _really_ tried to use the orange colour but it's too bright for
> > white background, too unreadable on black background and unusable as
> > a background itself.. you can try it and see for yourselves..
> >=20
> > so i ended up with using only the monochrome version of the logo.
> > first white on black but the black field was too dark to my taste
> > and i replaced it with red.  red colour seemed to be a good choice
> > to me, since it reminds me of the BSD daemon and when i hear "BSD"
> > the first color i imagine is red.  at first i grabbed a dark red
> > from our xml templates (#660000) and brighter red (#aa0000) for
> > links but it still looked too dark, so i exchanged the two in the
> > upper part of the page as martin@ suggested.  i was experimenting
> > with searchbox, language and mirrors selection in the grey bar and
> > right upper side of the page but i wasn't satisfied with the result.
> >=20
> > the final (as of now) version is a careful rewrite of the code of
> > the current page with as little changes as possible to get the
> > desired result.  i tested it on firefox, links, links -g, lynx and
> > dillo.

[ later i made some small modifications and tested on opera, konqueror,
msie and netscape 4.x ]

of course, i don't insist on using my design, i just think that yours
would be unacceptable for me in this version.  also, i think it wastes
too much screen estate with empty spaces.

i don't think another competition would be useful, given the fiasco with
the logo one..  i would be happy to support any design which would look
decent (the current situation is really hideous..) AND won't
discriminate users who appreciate the current layout looks the same in
their old web browsers.


-- Lubomir Sedlacik <salo@{NetBSD,Xtrmntr,silcnet}.org>   --

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