Subject: Re: NetBSD web design
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/04/2004 18:34:48
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Zach Crisler <> wrote:
> Lubomir Sedlacik wrote:
> > there is a reason why front page doesn't use CSS.  try to
> > open the page in lynx, links, links -g, dillo, netscape 4.x, ...
> Just because text-based browsers do not support CSS is no reason to
> dismiss web standards.

That's true, but ideally even a CSS solution would work well in a text
browser.  Salo's works a little bit better in text browsers, but I
wonder how your design would work if we shuffle the gray and orange
navigational columns around a bit.

I do like the explanation that you tried to emulate the flag design with
the gray and orange columns, but somebody else pointed out that people
are apparently used to having the navigation on the left-hand site...

Regarding Salo's design:  I do like it, too.  It's obviously much closer
to the old design, but I think the main problem is the colors.  While I
do like red for NetBSD, with the official logo having gray and orange we
have (implicitly and possibly unconsciously) also chosen new brand
colors, so I do think that the homepage should reflect this.

Salo's page works a bit better, I think, in very small windows.

> IMHO the NetBSD foundation should draft a list of requirements and
> call for designs, like they did for the logo (perhaps they should have
> done this with the logo but...)

I think that this would be overkill and would lead to (another) bikeshed
discussion.  I much prefer the way this develops all on its own.  If
somebody else has an idea for a better design, please post here. :-)

Just my very own $.02,

I seem to be having this tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle.

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