Subject: Re: Just saw the new logo...
To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/03/2004 14:47:43
Hello Martijn,

   AB> Some of the Irish students...were 'visibly perturbed'...

   MB> Even though the shared origin of both shades of orange?
     > Impressive..

Most of our Irish students were from Eire itself, although I wouldn't
be surprised if those in question were from Northern Ireland with a
republican background, which would account for the initial reaction.

   MB> But, really, I don't really think there's a primary, secondary
     > or tertiary colour that isn't burdened somehow. It's a bit nit-
     > picking to me - but maybe I'm just too insensitive in these
     > things.

I suspect you're right. "You can't please all of the people all of the

- Andy Ball