Subject: Re: handling copyright/license infringement
To: None <>
From: Bruno <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 09/19/2004 15:41:25
Ian Zagorskih wrote:

>I released my work for free and i want to be sure it will be free. As minimum, 
>from the point of view and example i wrote above. From this POV re-licensing 
>my work from BSD to GPL heavily restricts the end user rights. I want to 
>avoid it.
There should be a mecanism to avoid open-source copyleft licenses  on 
derivative works.
Maybe as an optional BSD clause. After all, and like you said, I 
wouldn't mind watching my code prove itself useful on the real world.
But I'd rather not see source code derivatives competing with mine, 
specially if I'd had to rewrite their contribs to keep my code open to 

 From a BSD source openness perspective GPL and OSS-copyleft are more 
dangerous than closed source licenses.
After all, the code you can't see can't attract developers.  But  
OSS-copylefts could attract developers and at the same time restrict 
freedom over derivative works based on your product. Probably the only 
way to piss off a BSD developer, license-wise.
