Subject: Re: POSIX standards: NetBSD & (IEEE && OpenGroup) relations
To: Ian Zagorskih <>
From: Gilbert Fernandes <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/08/2004 17:14:16
On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 09:49:05PM +0700, Ian Zagorskih wrote:
> I'm just curious what exactly does this statement mean ?
> If OS vendor wants to follow POSIX standards is it required
> to get some official permissions from Open Group or IEEE ?
the first step is to get a copy of the posix publications,
you have several of covering various things. the second
step is to work so your programs respect the published
interfaces and behavior. last, you have to pay to get your
product certified as such. the problem is that certification
is on a per product basis and it's not cheap.
netbsd does try to be as close at possible to some posix
to ease our lives as users and programmers, but there are
contradictions inside and for some, the NetBSD team thinks
that it's the standard itself that should be fixed rather
than try to implement conflicting things which is rather..
wise 8)
so NetBSD is pretty close to several posix publications,
and since it's too expensive to get it certified and
because it's per version, it's rather a continuous work
for consistent and clean code rather than using green bills
to get a sticker "posix inside" :)
Gilbert Fernandes