Subject: bittorrents for 1.6.2
To: None <>
From: Thomas Klausner <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/04/2004 15:38:44

In case it didn't get mentioned here before, there are bittorrents
available for many of the NetBSD-1.6.2 ISO images.

If you have bandwidth to spare, please visit
and help seeding (providing the images).

If you already got the ISO images, just rename them to the names
mentioned on the web page, put them in the same dir with the
downloaded .torrent files, install pkgsrc/net/bittorrent, and run /path/to/dir <global_options>
where <global_options> should probably include --max_upload_rate
with some argument -- the argument is for each file separately, so
if you say --max_upload_rate 10 and serve 4 torrents, you're limiting
the total bandwidth to 40KB/s, not 10KB/s. It seems to me there's
currently no way to limit the total bandwidth directly instead.

Some FAQs:
. Needs ports 6881 and up open from outside (1 per .torrent).
. You are only sharing the files for which you have a .torrent
  file lying around in the directory, not any other unrelated files.
  If you don't have the ISO lying around, your bittorrent client will
  fetch it from the other bittorrent clients.
. The .torrent file contains checksums for the whole file and
  its chunks, and the tracker site. The tracker tells all connected
  clients about each other, so that they can share missing parts with
  each other. There are no servers per se, just clients that have the
  whole file (seeders) and clients that don't, yet.

Of course, you don't have to provide all the files, just pick
your favorite architectures and seed those :)


P.S.: Please keep me CC'd, I'm not subscribed to this list.