Subject: Re: CD-ROM sets -> money to TNF?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/17/2003 06:38:59
> Is there a CD-ROM set I can buy online that benefits The NetBSD
> Foundation?

I think the costs of making NetBSD sets in higher volumes are higher than
you'll ever earn with it. For example, I am number two on the list of
NetBSD vendors and I never sold one CD set since I am that high on the
vendor page. The only CD's I sold are via local Dutch sites. BTW. I am not
making any profits out of it, the money that is raised is invested in free
CD's and merchandise for usergroups, etc. (not that much because of low
sales;) ).

With kind regards,
Daniel de Kok