Subject: Re: New Poster - Request for Comments
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/03/2003 00:53:58
Encouraged by positive Feedback, I have made another poster, about
the System and Third Party Software, using the same basic layout, but
this time in green (I'm not entirely happy with the colors, but it will
do). I have combined them into a single file, and changed the URL


The third one of the series (to be done) will be red, and highlight some
general issues, such as the license, embedded development, ease of use,
freedom, ...

Please give me some more comments, either here or via private email.
Comment about every aspect of the work is welcome: layout, colors,
images, text, ...

Bernd Sieker

NetBSD is much like a tipi:  No windows, no gates, and an apache inside.