Subject: NetBSD at the 19ths Chaos Communications Congress (19C3)
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/16/2003 16:03:33
* NetBSD at the 19ths Chaos Communications Congress (19C3)
The NetBSD project hat a big booth at the 19th Chaos Communications
Congress at the end of Secember 2002 in Berlin, Germany. At the booth we
had a big lot of hardware (SGI, Shark, HP 300, Amiga, SPARC, IBM Z50,
etc.) and also a lot of material to hand out and/or show, and of course a
lot of people came by to visit and also help answer numberous questions
about obscure hardware and even more obscure software we've never heared
of. We also had the first implementation of NetBSD/hanuta, which we
offered for free download right at the booth. Furthermore, there were
several presentations that mentioned NetBSD in various ways, making sure
people were aware of us being alive and well. Last but not least, we
sponsored a NetBSD CD to the winners of the "Hacker Jeopardy" contest.
There were more than 3.000 people at the congress, and I'm happy to say
this was a very good thing for us to be present at the event.
Check out the pics salo and wiz made for more:
If you want to participate in the event next year: It will most likely be
held again somewhen between x-mas and new year 2003 in Berlin, Germany.
Watch this space or for more information!
- Hubert
Where's my .sig?